Thursday, 26 April 2012


Ways in which they could be delivered:

For this brief  I want to do something that I still haven't done or tried. I actually want to challenge myself and do as much as I can with a little time as I have left on the first year. I think only now when we covered quite a lot of analytical understanding of graphic design and had inductions in many printing and other facilities, only now I start having the feeling that I can do whatever I want to. 

1. BRAIN BOOST FOOD (packaging and branding)

Go nuts 
A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent poor memory. Nuts are a great source of vitamin E along with leafy green vegetables, seeds, eggs, brown rice and wholegrains.


I looked at 'Serial Cut' work again and thought that it would be interesting to try out 3 dimensional designs. Fred did say push it as far as you can. And I really liked when we did the 4 dimentional letter form in design principles. 


I was also thinking to challenge myself  and do something with video montage because I haven't tried it yet on this course but I used to like filming. 


I did few stop-motions during my foundation year and I loved it so it would be enjoyable tho I would need to think about the time that I have to finish off this brief. 


1. Embossed
2. Screen-printed
3. Laser-cut
4. Typographical
5. Image bassed
6. Collage
7. Glossy 
8. Foil
9. Lage scaled
10. Series
11. Fold-out
12. 3D


I could do something similar to the '100 things' brief and create the whole identity of a product or I could leave this brief as the one I want to re-visit.


I could also create a series of cards or mail shot pack for up-comming students of Graphic Design and prepare them for the emotional and psychological journey that they are going to go trough in the first year. Maybe try to give them tips and heads-up for what might happen and how to deal with it.


I could create a published piece that would guide the first years trough the year or inform them or motivate them to work hard and learn as much as possible. 


A type face that would be dedicated and would explain the first year of graphic design student in LCA. Every letter could have a meaning or symbol behind it. 


It would be a great solution because than people can actually wear them (interactive) , it would be interactive tho I would need to figure out what information most suits the badges, I would  intend to do 44 of them maybe incorporating everyone from my course to share their experience and create a badge of each person in my course.


I could create an instructional 'how to' booklet or a book and guide the first years trough the troubles they might be facing and the solutions that might help them 'survive' the first year.


Students like to write stuff down, the only problem I usually have - it gets messy so I could do a notebook or a planer that would make stuff easier for the first years and think of a system that would help organise the notes. 


A branding and packaging to keep the first years going, because you do need to do a lot and we really need the energy, I know that energy drinks is not the best solution, but it does help keep You going. And it would be quite exiting to create a whole funny campaign about energy drinks, only shows how intense the course is. 


Find a list of music that helps Your brain and relaxes You after a long day in college or even throughout the day. 

15. CUPS

The best wake up and do some work motivation comes in the morning. It's really important in what mood and preparation You come into the college. Usually at least 70% of people drink tea, coffee or any other liquid in the morning before leaving the home. And there has to be a reason why people choose their cups carefully. The cup is more personal if it has a message and an idea, it represents the personality and encourages and motivates us in the morning if there is a really motivational quote or phrase that keeps us moving. 


I got into the college by completing the set task before the interview and I did my project on T-shirts and I was quite amazed to find out that T-shirt is a really personal thing, it usually talks the thoughts of the person who's wearing it. I could use the semiotics and interpretation that I used in the set task and take it further. 

In conclusion: 

I want to deliver a piece that would actually challenge me and show the skills that I gained throughout this first year. I know I learned a lot in all the principles, lectures and sessions that we had and this is an opportunity to show it. I also want to have fun and be myself, I learned that that really pays off. I think the biggest mistake that I did while completing other tasks I forgot how important it is to be yourself. I think I was trying to fit into the briefs and stooped being wrong and just tried to be right which is impossible. So for this brief I want to take it as further as possible and be happy with the final result no matter what it is, just because I enjoyed the process and achieved as much as I possibly could in the time given. 

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


 1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learned a lot about typography and how delicate and important it is to choose the right typeface. During Lorenzo's session I learned a lot about grid and I will never do a magazine or a spread or any kind of graphical piece without a grid ever again. I also notice the kerning anywhere I go now. I also enjoyed all the photography and colour theory tasks and sessions. I realised that I know more about photography than I thought I did. It was also useful because we had inductions in the photography studios which is always a help and I realised that You really need to spend time on the photos because it's going to be the thing that is going to represent the work and quality. I always spend more time on taking pictures of my final pieces after those sessions. I think  applied a lot of skills that I learned already. During the colour theory I learned about pantone colours that I have never heard before and realised how important it is to know the code of the colour in order to communicate with print facilities that might not be in the same country as you are. As well I realised how colours can effect each other. And a red might not look as red with a darker red. I already notice the background that I decide to picture my pieces in. because it can effect how the work looks and the good features that might come out with different background on. Of course the light is important as well we experimented with different lights in the photography studio and I couldn't believe how much it changes the angle or the colour and of course clarity. I actually think that after every session I learned and developed an understanding of something new that effected the change of my graphical understanding as well as a practised experience throughout other modules. I think every design principle session effected an other module task that I was doing at the same time. I also enjoyed the sessions because of how they were built to be in groups or in pairs because than you can help others or they can help you by explaining things that they might have gotten faster than you did. 

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 

I have learned to look at design in a more analytical way than before coming on this course. It makes way more sense now than it did before. Before I learned the basic principles of graphic design I thought of it as 'making something pretty' but now I can see the influence that graphic design makes to the world and I realise that it's more about the message and communication. I think the principles helped me develop my understanding of design and how it works and how can we make it work. Every task that i did after any design principles session I was aware of the things that we learned in design principles and applied them to other modules. I also learned to always be aware of the colour, type, layout choice and format. There are many things that I still need to get used of using and applying but I think once it's in my head it's always there to re-think and consider in any graphical piece I do in the future. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think I should explore more possibilities with photography and maybe look into craft and exploring 3D objects because I really enjoyed the session with Amber where we had to built up a typeface so it would be 4 dimensional. Thos I still haven't have the opportunity And I'm quite patient to do crafty designs I proved that by doing  'what is a line' brief in a small scale by exploring folding, craft  and print possibilities. I also enjoy doing thumbnails tho I must say it takes me ages to do few design sheets of thumbnails so maybe I should try to improve on the timing. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I know I said this many times before but I should improve on my time management or more specifically TASK management. The next time I will make sure that the on-going tasks are not left in the background, I will consider them more carefully and plan a specific time to re-visit them constantly. I also think that typography is not my strongest part but you learn every day and hopefully I will improve throughout the years. And one thing I learned trough time spend here don't trust your former self because she might not have uploaded the stuff you thought she did because she does it now. I think in all the tasks I could have done more but on the other hand I applied all the learned skills and methods to other modules. 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Improve on task management. I expect to manage my briefs and leave time for the on-going modules that kind of fade into the background. 
2. Blog constantly.  I think I already improved on this feature but this module lasted throughout the year and former me did not do it well at the beginning.
3. Explore photographic and diminutional features more and apply them to my design. I'm hopping to experiment as much as I can on the first year and if needed fail and fail again but at least I know I did something rather than just playing it the easy and safe way. So I could  be sure not to do the same mistakes on the second year.
4. Analyse in order to understand and learn in order to know. I should have spent more time analysing principles. In the future that might help me to develop a stronger concept and outcome.
5. Buy a major note-book that could fit in every day information and would last me the whole year. I think than I would not loose my notes and some of the pieces if I used a big note-pad for all notes that should help my memory and keeping on track more. 

Monday, 23 April 2012



Statistical or Factual or Informative

Format V. Function

Message (clear)
Tone (appropriate)
Media (effective)

3 questions to answer: 
1. How far can You take it?
2.How far dare You take it?
3. How far will You take it?

BUT most importantly: ENJOY, PLAY and HAVE FUN

The Brief

In the workshop:

Friday, 13 April 2012


Friday 13th.

Working with point sizes and grid

Saturday 14th.

Working with type anatomy and font family
Higher Archie (type)
*What is a line (design development)
*Logo (re-designing)

Monday 16th.

Working with what is a line (final design)
*Screen printing (posters)

Tuesday 17th.

working with colour theory and pantone
*What is a line finished (ready for print)
*screen-printing (evening)

Wednesday 18th.

Working with thumbnails and digitalising them (in-design)
Blogging briefing and lecture notes from design principles.
2pm - printing slot
*Screen printing (evening)

Thursday 19th.

Re-visiting stamp brief
Answering PPP questions (given in the beginning of the year)
Finding out what the group tasks were
Starting new brief 'You choose"

Friday 20th

6.00 - Freak out that it's Friday and easter is over
Arrange portfolio for the first hand-in (design principles)
Spend 2 hours checking the blog is everything up to date.
Start doing you're PPP presentation

Saturday 21st.

Lecture notes for CoP blogged
Essay (uch)

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Not so long ago I got an offer to create a poster for a talk series taken place in Lithuania. I was really intrigued and knew that I need to work on this one because the person who asked to do it was one of the managers in an newly opened Art factory in Lithuania and they have an institute for innovational design.

Than I decided not to waste the illustration and use it for a print fair submission by creating postcards about multitasking.