#1 I actually couldn't find my blog post for this brief, so either I labeled it wrong or I actually forgot to blog it, which is quite surpassing because before the module hand-in I checked my blog post, well that's one thing to go back to. Found it.
Problem: create a set or series of letterforms of the word 'condense'.
Key considerations: What is 'condense' and how can I visualise it in a letterform.
Research: now when I look back, I think I was only able to find one blog post for the research, on the other hand it was only the start of the year and I didn't really know much about the whole design process.
Initial ideas: I think I experimented more with the visuals rather than spending more time on the research and I think I was quite glad about the outcome then. Now - not too sure. If I would revisit that brief I think I can make it better.
I think I approached this brief quite systematically by accident because I did not know what 'condense' means so I started looking at the definition and even after that I had to see some visuals to understand what it was. So I think because I'm not a native english speaker I had to approach this brief systematically, which is quite good (I think).
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Produce a set, series or sequence of ten visual variations of a letterform (ten A’s for example)
that explore and communicate your interpretation of the word that you have selected from the
All designs will be based on existing letterforms and designed to a 15cm x 15cm format. There is a limited colour palette of black and white.
#2 My pair was Chris and I really enjoyed working with him. The only think i didn't really get was
why did we have to trace the alphabet? I still don't really know why.
Problem: Create an alphabet for Chris that would suit his personality.
Key consideration: What is going to be my concept and how to create an alphabet based on a
persons characteristics.
Research activities: an interview with Chris
Secondary research: I look at quite a lot of hand rendered type-faces because I thought
hand-rendered alphabet will suit Chris more than a digital one.
Breath of ideas: I still remember that after a weeks worth of work I had to go back to the
phase one and re-think the whole concept, because after a crit I realised that the alphabet didn't
represent Chris at all. So I basically re-done the whole alphabet in a weeks time.
Breath of visuals: I think for this brief i did quite a lot of visual investigation, I had full sketch-book ( I
still wasn't used to design sheets)
Stimulated approach mixed with a systematic approach.
#3 I think the most important think throughout this brief was that I was introduced to illustrator
and actually challenged myself to create quite and exiting alphabet compared to my knowledge
of illustrator then. I think I did every single letter separately and the way I did the lines took me
ages so I practiced on my patients as well.
Problem: create an alphabet using one letter from the previous brief 1.
Key considerations: Which letterform is most suited to digitalise.
Research: I think the research was more exploring illustrator features and looking at different
Practical Research: illustrator workshops
Visual investigation: Not as much, because the brief only required to choose on letter out of ten and
digitise a whole alphabet based upon one letter.
#4 This was the first brief that I actually re-done and re-visited the whole brief because I wasn't very happy
about the final outcome. My proverb was "Every cloud has a silver lining" and again i approached this brief systematically because I had no clue what a proverb is and what is it supposed to mean.
Problem: Three posters. One only image, the other only text and the third one image and text. Find a context
for the pro-verb.
Key considerations: What does the proverb mean, can it be translated into image or text. Which works
the best?
Research activities: I spend way too much time thinking about the concept and the outcome that I didn't
leave much time for the actual designs. ( I feel that I have been doing this mistake ever since, that's one think
re-consider). I think for this brief I event looked at some books about clouds, which I think was really lazy, I
should have just wen outside and stared at the sky for a while and maybe taken some pictures.
Breath of initial ideas: When I look back now to my blog, it seems that I was stuck, because I didn't have many
ideas for the final pieces but was already creating designs which only got me more confused. I'm really glad that
I revisited the brief.
Breath of visual investigation: wide enough.
#7 This brief was more about the research and how the research influences the outcome. This brief
contained two parts. Part 1: research (throughout christmas holidays), Part 2: actual design development.
I did learn several of things throughout this brief, one of them was that if I want to get stuff done, I cannot go back home. <---- a note for the third year me. I also learned that if You start by doing the research and not focusing about the final designs - you can end up with quite amazing things. 'Process is more important than outcome.' - Bruce Mau. I think Stimulated approach and systematic approach was combined in order to finalise my outcome and make decisions.
Problem: What can I produce out of the research I collected. Who is my audience? What is the best
Key considerations: Had a lot of research in which I had to choose the key points in order to summerise it or find a key subject and the problem that I need to be solving.
Research activities: various: library, talking to people, doing online research, looking for inspiration outside college, looking at packaging of different products also looking at various print possibilities. I think I learned that You cannot 'fake' the research, because the only think You'll find out by doing the research after the final outcome is done, that you could have done way better.
Breath of initial ideas: I think because this brief was focused on the research and the outcome was supposed to come from the research, I wasn't afraid to dig deep or come back and re-evaluate the decisions I made earlier and maybe change them. The only problem I had, that I dug too deep into the research and didn't start doing the designs earlier so designs had glitches, which I was not happy about.
Visual investigation: As i said before, I think I could have experimented visually a bit more.
#8 The next brief was a life brief for KesselsKramer "Rain". It was really exiting we only had a week to produce
the final pieces and I was quite surprised that in a weeks time if I really focus I can actually do quite a lot of thinking
ad designing. I did three posters which I'm quite proud of. Now every time I do a brief I try to learn something new.
A new technique or approach, I know sometimes I'm going to fail, actually more than sometimes, but I'm not scared
of it. Actually I rather experiment and learn something new than always play 'safe'. Because this year out marks are not
going to the final mark after three year. I rather use this year to experiment and than next year I'll know how not to make the same mistakes again.
#9 Oh, this brief was hard. Not that I not enjoyed it at all, I think just the group thing didn't work maybe because
we all are friends Mike, David and Andrea and we all have really strong opinions and different approaches.
I would say that from all the brief we had so long this one (for me) was the hardest. There was a lack of communication and I think that was one of the reasons that we failed. In a group I really need direction, if I don't get it I start making my own rules which never ends u well. Because than everyone is just wasting each others time by doing the same things over and over again. I think t's really important to decide who's going to be a leader and everyone should sit together and just decide what needs to be done for today and than tomorrow. Organisation is one of the most important things in a group and to a graphic designer. I don't think I could blame one person for the failure of this brief
I think everyone did their mistakes and I wish I would never need to repeat this brief. Used Intuitive approach.
Problem: Communication is a virus. How does it spread?
Key considerations: Who is the audience? What are we trying to communicate? What is the most effective way to do it?
Research activities: surveys, library and online researching.
Breath of initial ideas: I think we had too many and couldn't decided at the right moment by doing that we delayed the designs and didn't really think trough it.
Visual investigation: quite varied at the beginning and too solum at the end.
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