Sunday, 7 April 2013

THE AIM OF (MY) LIFE. Defining my WHY.

I have been watching a lot of talks and a lot of motivational videos done by motivational people. <---- this is a video of a boy talking about the meaning of life in a most simple and TRUE way. This made me think that maybe when we were children we already knew what the meaning of life is but than we grew up and forgot.

I also looked at why and how to be happy and successful and came to understanding that YOU NEED TO KNOW WHY are you living your life and WHAT you love doing and WHY you love doing it. And Tho I still don't know which path of creativity I want to choose (Looking into advertising right now). And tho I don't know that - I realized  that I know WHY am I here on this planet.


'To create work and live the life that would INSPIRE and MOTIVATE people to ACT and LIVE the life THEY want to live without fear of failure. Bring more laughter  more positiveness and more kindness to the world around us (and maybe beyond). And give reason to believe in dreams, fairy-tales of real life and love/passion in everything we do trough the act of doing it (often).'

So that's out of the way now. I know what is my reason for creativity and life - now I just need to go and DO that. 

WHY-----> HOW-------> WHAT

The principle of success:

WHY ----> HOW -----> WHAT

'People don't buy WHAT you do they buy WHY you do it' - Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action (watch the talk)